Painspotting: Top positioning through clear differentiation

#1 Analysis: Who is your target customer?

A very central question to which I get the same answer in almost every conversation. "Hm, actually everyone." No.



A good service or product offer is always solution-oriented, i.e. it solves a needs-oriented problem. Different target groups have different needs. Different needs require different solutions. A solution that tries to be the best solution for all problems does not work.

Only those who position themselves correctly will benefit.
What is a problem?

A problem is by definition an unsatisfactory starting situation and an obstacle for the person it affects. A problem usually causes "annoyance", because solving a problem requires effort, it costs energy and is often complicated.

However, the problem must be solved because it prevents the person from achieving a desired state. A person is willing to pay for the solution of a problem, as long as the solution brings the hoped-for benefit, namely the solution or at least an improvement. The higher the level of suffering, the higher the solution orientation and willingness to pay.

Problems are always the result of unsatisfied basic needs (Maslow's hierarchy of needs) and life motives (according to Steven Reiss)


7 factors of your target customer and his problem

  • Your potential target customer has a problem and an unsatisfied need.
  • Your potential target customer cannot or does not want to solve his problem himself.
  • Your potential target customer has to find a long-term solution to his problem
  • Your potential target customer has optimally a high degree of suffering
  • Your potential target customer must find a solution as quickly as possible.
  • There is no solution that solves the customer's problem and satisfies his needs.
  • Your potential target customer is willing to pay for the solution of the problem.

5 factors that your problem solution must contain:

  • 1. your problem solution must offer your potential target customer a significantly higher benefit than he already has. This means he must experience a great "reduction of suffering" after the purchase or after using the product/service. In the optimal case the product achieves the satisfaction of the need and solves the problem completely.
  • 2. your problem solution must be easy to understand and easy to implement.
  • 3. your problem solution must be exceptional and unique and clearly stand out from other providers.
  • 4. your product must generate emotions.
  • 5. the value of your product must be higher than the monetary value the customer pays for it. The higher the suffering, the higher the willingness to pay to solve the problem.


Further Questions

  • What does the customer expect on my website / online shop?
  • How can I optimally pick up and guide the visitor?
  • Which emotional motives and psychological aspects do I have to consider?
  • With which content do I achieve which result?
  • Emotion and content vs. conversion and turnover
  • How, where and when does the customer look for my problem solution?
  • How can I be found at the right time?
  • How can I create a positive brand perception?
  • How can I inspire the customer?

Whoever solves problems always has demand. He who solves problems always has customers. Whoever solves problems determines the price.

Positionierung Strategie

5 common mistakes in online marketing

1. the measurement of non-relevant indicators

The visibility index (SI) is not an SEO traffic index or KPI!

The visibility index says absolutely nothing about the performance of a website or its visitors. According to Sistrix's definition, the visibility index was created "to condense the changes in the rankings of a domain in Google's organic search results into a single KPI". Now what does that say about the value of my visitors? Right - nothing. The visibility index is neither a control parameter in SEO nor should it be used as a steering aid for corporate strategy. It is a simple cumulative value that has a signal effect, nothing more and nothing less.

2. acting without knowledge

Who is my target customer and which problem do I solve with my offer?

This greatly abridged positioning is already causing more than half of the entrepreneurs to waver. Why should I buy from you - then get to the point. Without a "sharp" positioning, no online marketing strategy makes sense. No traffic, no great advertisement, no pretty website will bring you new customers without you being able to answer this sentence.

3. traffic is not a panacea

We "just" need more traffic, then we'll sell more. No. Big no and no again. Any "online marketing consultant" who claims that, they can confidently accompany you to the door again.

Imagine your website like a retail store. Which visitors would you like to have? If you own a shoe shop, do you need potential buyers for e-cars? If you have limited space or consulting capacity, do you focus on time-eating visitors or visitors willing to make a purchase?

When it comes to traffic, different quality factors are important and as a result, you need to think carefully about when, where and with which visitor I will be talking about which topic.


4. wrong attribution model

How does the customer come to your website? The last-click attribution model can lead to a misunderstanding of your entire marketing strategy and put it on a completely wrong channel.

The visitor sees an advertisement on Facebook, clicks on it and ends up on your website where he does not make a purchase (lead/purchase etc.). At home he googles your company name and lands again on your site where he gets further information. The next day he uses Google with your company name again, clicks on the first Google Ad, lands on your page and completes the purchase. Last Click says: Budget Shift to SEA - All Power to Google Ads. Is the decision comprehensible? YES. Is it correct: No.

A meaningful attribution model must necessarily "approximately" reflect the entire customer acquisition journey - not just the last step.


5. online marketing competence cannot be learned in 90 days

Recently I have been encountering more and more "online marketing consultants", "digital marketing coaches" and "customer generation experts" who seem to have acquired expert knowledge in a very short period of time and are now bringing this knowledge to the inexperienced entrepreneur at a high price. One does not "learn" online marketing or digital marketing strategy in 90 days. There is no secret "customer acquisition machine" and a coach/mentor without any professional/project experience is borderline.


My tip: Take a close look at who is advising you and with what knowledge and experience in digital marketing

For long-term and stable success in online marketing or online acquisition, a lot of expertise is needed - it's not a gift and not "overnight".


The digital marketing consulting firm

Digital marketing offers enormous potential for companies. Often, however, the opportunities are not recognized or not used. My specialization as a digital marketing sparring partner is the holistic connection of positioning, marketing and digital sales strategy up to the implementation.

Within (m)a digital marketing strategy the PES model is always the starting point.


Positioning Model PES
Why? Because successful digital marketing projects always have one thing in common:

Positioning - Experience - Visibility are inseparably united.

An excellent positioning does not lead to success if the customer does not know and understand the product, a top experience is not automatically a good problem solution and a wide reach and visibility does not bring anything if no actual customer adds value.

Finest online marketing with strategy from Stuttgart
Digital meets Swabian down-to-earthness, diligence and perfection. Digital, craftsmanship and real added value instead of technical jargon, hot air and windy fast-fast actions.

A good internet marketing consultant has to be good at one thing above all: listening to you.

If I don't understand how your company works and what is special about your employees, your services and your products, how should I communicate it to the customer within the new internet marketing strategy?

Digital Marketing Consulting
Good internet marketing involves so much more than just doing "a little Google advertising" online if it is to work. Digital marketing is more than just performance, PPC and conversion rate. The holistic approach and customer-centered communication across all contact points along the customer journey - that's what makes for real online success.

Within my internet marketing consulting I see it as my job to be honest, transparent and sometimes uncomfortable. The online success of my clients is important to me and therefore I approach things in a way that is understandable and can be successful.


Carefree service or marketing sparring partner?

For many of my customers, online marketing is not really comprehensible. Incomprehensible technical terms, opaque services and many different agencies and service providers.

Instead of explaining, illustrating and practically taking the customer by the hand, a "standard package" is often sold. Schema F works online just as little as it does offline. Even in the digital world, there is no standardized recipe for successful advertising, more new customers and explosive sales growth - even though this is exactly what is tried again and again.

Only advertisements on Google, Facebook or Instagram will bring nothing but high costs if the potential customer does not understand who they are, what they do, why they do it and what benefits they get from their products.


Internet marketing can bring massive growth to your business, just as it can simply burn a lot of money if it is not done properly and without proper planning. It offers many opportunities, but only if an individual concept is created, which is tailored to your needs of the customer.

I therefore attach great importance to simple and clear explanations. I see myself as a digital marketing partner, who will inform you openly and transparently, offer honest advice and implementation and stand by your side with advice and action. This leaves you more time for the essentials: Your core competence.